Author Archives: Sweet House Reborns®
When is the best time to order a Christmas gift basket? You don’t want it to come too soon. You want to make sure the products are fresh. So wait until about two weeks before Christmas, visit your favorite site … and they’re pretty much SOLD OUT of EVERYTHING! Today, I’ll offer you some timely […]
The Parque Zoologico Nacional: This park is located in the city of Santo Domingo. It is the largest zoo in the Caribbean region. This park has become popular with locals and travelers alike, thanks to its size, splendor, and the huge mammals and animals it houses. The park extends over 400 acres of land. The […]
There are many dog toys available. In fact, there are so many that it can be confusing to know how to best invest your money. When buying toys it is important to understand what the toy is intended for. Toys are made for playing (throwing, fetching, catching, etc.) or for chewing. CHEW TOYS: Dogs need […]
Moving home is always stressful: if you have a precious collection of dolls it’s only ten times worse. If you find yourself in the position where you need to move your entire doll collection to a new location, there are some precautionary measures to take that will reduce the chances of damaging your doll collection. […]
Your best friend just gave birth to a girl and you want to congratulate her on a new gift for the baby. Your co-worker arrives next month and you are shopping for some baby shower gifts for her. Welcoming a newborn into this world is one of the joys of life. This article provides an […]