Exchange & Return

At SweetHouseReborns, customer satisfaction is always our top priority.

Change of Address
If you need to change your shipping address after placing your order, please email us your order number, the old address you ordered, and the new address you currently use. Then we will check whether you can change it. If your package has already been shipped, you may need to contact the carrier yourself. Cancellation of an order before it has been dispatched is subject to a 15% cancellation charge. Cancellation is not supported after an order has shipped.

If you have received an error or defective product, please submit a support ticket with photos/videos that clearly demonstrate the issue. We will see if we can offer a full/partial refund or replacement.

Once the product is returned to our warehouse, it may take up to 72 hours to process. A confirmation email will be sent to you after the return has been processed. Refunds may be issued within 7-10 business days after receipt of confirmation email. Customers may be responsible for paying return shipping charges. Shipping charges are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, all shipping charges will be deducted from your refund.

The situations listed below are not covered by our Returns and Exchanges Policy:

  1. Damage caused by improper use and maintenance;
  2. Subjective factors such as personal preference, taste, personality uncertainty, etc.

Customers can request an exchange or return within about 10 days of receiving the product.

If you need help, please contact one of our doll experts to answer your questions and our experts will get back to you within 48 hours.

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