Author Archives: Sweet House Reborns®

Valentine’s Day gift baskets

Valentine’s Day is probably one of the most romantic days couples enjoy every year. That is why different types of Valentine’s Day gifts are available during this occasion to make the occasion more memorable. So, if you are considering gifting one to your special someone too, you should include Valentine’s Day gift baskets on your […]

Children and their changing roles throughout history

Children in today’s society seem to be much more pampered and less responsible than they were a few decades ago. They also seemed to have lost much of the value system that most of us took for granted as we grew up. By examining the roles of children in the past, we may be able […]

The best potty chairs for boys

The latrine can be an alarming thing for little ones, with its frightening size and its ability to wipe out questions that are never seen again. Young people who are trying to figure out how to potty train require more than a comfortable seat; require young people to help understand exactly how to drive to […]

Alexander “Kins” and their value

“Kins” is the name given to the beautiful 8 inch dolls made by The Alexander Doll Company since the beginning of 1953. The “Kins” were a departure from Madame Alexander as they were made of a hard, heavy and durable plastic instead of the its usual composite. Although the material had changed, Madame Alexander’s strict […]

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