Author Archives: Sweet House Reborns®

The choice of educational toys

How do you make sure the educational toy you buy is suitable for your child? As with everything there are no guarantees with children. There are a couple of things to consider when selecting children’s educational toys that can increase the chances that your choice is well received. First, consider the stage of development your […]

The breathtaking story and symbolic uses of the Asantes Akuaba doll

The Akuaba doll is a special doll much loved by the Ghanaian communities, especially the Asante. The Akuaba doll gained its name from an Asante woman named Akua who was barren and in dire need of a baby. Due to her sterility of hers, she was branded a witch by her neighbors accusing her of […]

History of the vintage Kewpie doll

Rose O’Neill, the creator of the vintage Kewpie doll, was an early 20th century author, illustrator, artist, sculptor and entrepreneur. She was born in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, raised in Nebraska and won her first drawing competition at the age of fourteen. Rose moved to New York where she became a well-known illustrator and spent her […]

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